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rise squad

Training Team

Isjeanne Steenkamp: AKA Our Unicorn

Hayley Wright: AKA Haley T-Rex

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How we Change lives everyday!

Get to know our professional coaches.

a Different package for everyone. Let us change your life!

Only applies to coach Hayley, as she has limited coaching spots

The kick start to your healthy journy

Get in touch for inquiries and other concerns.

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What we do

How we Change lives everyday!

Welcome to Rise Squad: Coaching for a Transformation Like No Other!

At Rise Squad, we're not just another fitness business. We're a catalyst for lasting change, a beacon of transformation, and a thriving community where like-minded individuals come together to grow and support each other. We believe in taking your goals and dreams seriously, because we know that's where the magic happens.

Our mission goes beyond mere workouts and diets. We're here to reshape lives, to leave an indelible impact, and to help you become the best version of yourself. Rise Squad isn't just about fitness; it's about the journey to a healthier, happier you.

Our community is a powerhouse of inspiration, motivation, and empowerment. We're partners in your transformational journey. Together, we'll sculpt your goals into reality, and we'll be there every step of the way.

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Change my life!

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our Rising team

Head Coach: Isjeanne Steenkamp-


Hello, I'm Isjeanne Steenkamp, the vibrant force and proud Unicorn behind Rise Squad's incredible journey. My story with Rise began in 2019 when I emerged victorious in the Ambassador search, showcasing my potential as a Fitness model, IFBB Wellness Athlete, Arnolds Model Search Champion, and a double cover girl for Muscle & Health Magazine.

Under the wise guidance of our founder, Hayley T-Rex, I've undergone a remarkable transformation into a beacon of inspiration and motivation. A significant moment in my journey occurred in 2020 when I was honored with the role of Assistant Coach, fueled by my growing passion to serve others. Witnessing my own transformation, I've successfully cultivated my own team, "Rise Ready," which has blossomed to include over 100 incredible women.

In 2021, I achieved another remarkable milestone by securing victory at the South African Championships, a testament to the dedication and guidance provided under the Rise banner, leading to my triumph in the IFBB SA Champ title.

Beyond my role with Rise Squad, I've proudly become an ambassador for renowned brands. Evolving into a certified International Fitness coach, I've expanded my client base to include not only regular lifestyle clients but also those in the Fitmodel bodybuilding division, beach bikini, Bikini Fitness, and Wellness athletes.

My vibrant personality and unwavering commitment make me a firm favorite at Rise. I'm not just an ambassador; I am your sparkling Unicorn, and my journey stands as an extraordinary testament to the transformative power of Rise Squad.

Here's to rising together!

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Isjeanne’s vision and coaching style

Head Coach: Isjeanne Steenkamp- Unicorn

Mission Statement:

In my journey, navigating through the challenges of eating disorders like anorexia and exploring unconventional paths to reach my body goals, I've stumbled upon a profound truth. Now, my mission is to shine a light for others, revealing that deep within themselves lies the discipline, motivation, and willpower needed to authentically achieve their goals, both mentally and physically.

My goal is simple yet potent — to guide others in embracing a healthy, balanced lifestyle. I want to be the spark for growth, happiness, and love in the lives of my clients. Each individual has the potential to reach their full greatness, and I'm here to inspire and support them on this transformative journey.

Let's break away from the usual, prioritize mental and physical well-being, and together, reach new heights. I'm here to empower you not only to achieve your goals but to exceed them, unlocking the incredible potential that resides within you.

Remember, if you don't ask, you won't know. This is a motto I live by, and I firmly believe that asking is the key to gaining knowledge, fostering growth, and building meaningful relationships.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery, growth, and boundless achievement. Let's inspire the vibrant, healthy, and balanced life you deserve.

Coaching style:

First things first, I'm all about positivity. We're going to tackle challenges with a mindset that sees opportunities in every obstacle. Together, we'll navigate this journey with a positive outlook, because I believe that's where real transformation begins.

My coaching is rooted in love and care. I'm genuinely invested in your well-being, both physically and mentally. I'm not just your coach; I'm here as your support system, cheering you on every step of the way.

Now, let's talk honesty. I tell it like it is. I can be firm when needed, but it's always from a place of kindness. I believe in being straightforward because that's how we make real progress.

Think of me as your special unicorn in this journey. I'm here to celebrate every victory, big or small, because each step forward is a reason to rejoice. Paying attention to detail is my thing, and I'll go the extra mile to ensure your fitness plan is tailored to your unique needs.

Here's something important: I don't chase my clients. Instead, I empower you to embrace confidence in yourself. It's about discovering the strength you already have within.

So, if you're ready for a coaching experience that's positive, caring, honest, and a little bit unicorn magic, I'm here for you. Let's make your fitness journey extraordinary.

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our Rising team

Founder and Coach: Hayley T-Rex

As a wife, a mother, an athlete, a model, a business woman, a motivational speaker, a woman who battles with depression & anxiety as well as Type 2 diabetes and Steven Johnson Syndrome, I know the struggle when it comes to trying to become the best version of yourself inside and out. For years, I struggled until one day I decided I had had enough! It was time to RISE.

My name is Hayley T-Rex Wright, I studied nutrition and Personal Training however my greatest drive in life is helping others. I love to inspire and motivate woman to become the best they can be and to release their own inner light.

I strongly believe we are all capable of greatness. I am living proof of this through my own transformation, losing nearly 40kgs and completely correcting my health markers. With the right support with the right people - Your life can change just like mine did!

It is my greatest hope that through my online training that I can reach out and give hope & happiness to 1 million people worldwide!

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hayley’s vision and coaching style

Founder and Coach: Hayley T-Rex

Mission Statement:

I am here to be a catalyst for positive change in the lives of women around the globe. My life's mission is laser-focused: to impact the lives of one million women, fostering empowerment, confidence, and transformative growth.

In my journey so far, I've had the privilege of reaching thousands of women, and with each interaction, my commitment deepens.

It's not just about fitness; it's about empowering each woman to recognize her strength, feel confident in her uniqueness, and embrace her journey with resilience.

Every woman I connect with becomes part of a larger movement—a movement of self-love, empowerment, and unwavering support.

Together, we're rewriting narratives, breaking barriers, and creating a space where every woman feels seen, valued, and capable of achieving her goals.

Here's to the journey ahead, to reaching one million women, and to making a positive impact on the lives of many more. Let's rise together.

Coaching style:

I'm Hayley T-Rex, the heart and soul behind Rise Squad. If you're looking for a coach who's not just about workouts but about real empowerment, you're in the right place.

🌟 I'm Your Biggest Cheerleader: Your victories... We're celebrating them together. Challenges? We're tackling them head-on.

💬 Straightforward Advice: No beating around the bush. I keep it real. Honest guidance, no fluff.

🔍 Every Detail Matters: Your fitness plan? It's not generic, yet tailored, with attention to every detail because your goals matter.

🚀 For the Committed: I don't chase clients; I team up with those serious about their journey. If you're ready, so am I.

🔑 Back to Basics: It's not about complicated strategies. I believe in keeping it simple, focusing on what really works.

🦖 Channeling the T-Rex Spirit: Like a T-Rex, I'm all in—fearless, powerful, and committed to your success.

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Rise Squad Packages: Find Your Fit, Embrace Your Rise!

Gym Training

Unleash your inner

Gym Buff Bliss!

  • Monthly Meal Plan: Crafted to support your fitness goals, be it weight loss or muscle gain.
  • Workout Plan: Optimize your gym sessions with a specialized workout routine.
  • Online Check-ins: Weekly check-ins sessions with your coach for progress tracking.
  • Online Support Platform: Join our community for mutual encouragement and inspiration.
  • Access to Your Coach: Unlimited support and motivation to keep you on track

Sign Me Up R700

Home Training

Elevate your fitness from the comfort of home!

  • Monthly Meal Plan: Tailored for your goals, whether it's shedding weight or gaining muscle.
  • Workout Plan: A dynamic home exercise routine to fit your lifestyle.
  • Online Check-ins: Weekly check-ins with your coach for personalized guidance.
  • Online Support Platform: Connect with like-minded individuals on our supportive platform.
  • Access to Your Coach: Get advice, support, and motivation whenever you need it

Sign Me Up R500


Embrace your Elite Self

  • Monthly Meal Plan: Crafted to support your advanced workouts.
  • Workout Plan: Advanced training to build and shape your body.
  • Online Check-ins: Weekly check-ins sessions with your coach for progress tracking.
  • Online Support Platform: Join our community for mutual encouragement and inspiration.
  • Access to Your Coach: Unlimited support and motivation to keep you on track

Sign Me Up R1000

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Rise Squad Packages: Find Your Fit, Embrace Your Rise!

Rise Student

Comp Prep

Ultimate Showtime Shredder

  • Customized Competition Meal Plan: Precision nutrition for peak performance.
  • Competition Workout Plan: Intensive training designed around your competition schedule.
  • Frequent Online Check-ins: Regular assessments to fine-tune your competition readiness.
  • Peak week meal and gym plan.
  • Reverse Diet after your show.
  • Posing classes 8 weeks before your show.
  • Bikini Guidance, Must know details.
  • Exclusive Support Platform: Connect with others in the competition community.
  • Priority Access to Your Coach: Direct and personalized support for your competitive journey.

Sign Me Up R1400

Achieve the perfect balanced


  • Monthly Meal Plan: Aligned with your nutritional needs for a balanced student lifestyle.
  • Workout Plan: Tailored exercises to keep you active amidst your studies.
  • Online Check-ins: Weekly check-ins with your coach for academic fitness.
  • Online Support Platform: Connect with other students sharing similar journeys.
  • Access to Your Coach: Guidance, support, and motivation for a successful student life.

Sign Me Up R300

Fit Mom

The Supermom Sculptor

  • Nourishing Monthly Meal Plan: Designed to support the unique needs of mothers.
  • Mom-Friendly Workout Plan: Exercise routines tailored for the demands of motherhood.
  • Consistent Online Check-ins: Regular virtual meetings to keep you on your fitness journey.
  • Supportive Mom Community: Connect with other moms for shared experiences and motivation.
  • Priority Access to Your Coach: Guidance and support catered to the challenges and joys of motherhood.

Sign Me Up R450

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8 Week Challenges

Coach-Isjeanne Steenkamp. Unicorn

Yellow Glow

Holiday Hustle Challenge

18 Oct-5 Dec

Lets get Holiday Ready! it’s time to shred down and say hello to your abs again!

What is included:

  • 2x 4 Week meal plans. Male and Female.
  • 2 x4 Week home and gym training plans. Male and Female.
  • Final Shred meal and training plan.
  • Online community for ongoing support.
  • Welcome Pack with challenge dates and how to guides.
  • Great prizes up for grabs!
  • Dedicated coach to guide you through this journey.


Full payment of R1 400 to secure your spot.

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Let’s Hustle

Are you ready to be Transformed?!

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Contact us

Let’s have a chat!

For any further information or questions, feel free to pop us an email!

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